About Us

Welcome to Radio and all other things we are interested in!

This is the home of


Madison, Florida

Whiskey Alpha One Tango Charlize Charlize

Like most other Amateurs I am interested in many other things. Since this page is here expect me to post a number of things that are of my interest. I will stay apolitical so I expect the same. Remember the old days of radio? If you are an active Amateur, check out my Working Page It has all you need for support while on the air – maybe most all you need.

I am interested in:

Martial Arts

Books – reading and writing

Radio – all types not just Amateur

Bread baking and outdoor ovens

Fishing – mostly fly fishing no matter what species


Medicine – Eastern and western

HD Motorcycles – mine can vote!


Dogs – Buddy is too – He has girlfriends all around the town

Security – I did it for most of my adult life

Guns – mostly Black Powder – I miss you guys from up North and the cabin


Wood working mostly with rough stock and natural looks and the stuff that goes with it. Pictures soon. 

CW Keys 

I have my advanced training from Skywarn and participate in local weather nets.

I am an ARES member and sign in and participate in local issues. I do some DX mostly to learn about antennas and propagation. 

Now that I have gone through that list I will be doing a page on each issue. Oh I forgot to mention that I like writing – especially since I retired and can write about what I like. So even if no one reads a page I will enjoy the time putting them together. 

My station is located in Madison County Florida EM80il24 even though I have the number 1 designation. Many of us down here in 4 land have numbers from our home sites. You can find an active group of Amateurs from the Madison County Amateur Radio Club also associated with ARES at Madison Radio Club Web site

Suwannee Radio club is also active in this area and have a large group of members, many who join Madison in club nets, meetings and most of all emergency activation.

Get emergency alerts from your local Emergency Center. Sign up with the link below.

New News !!

We have added information on the new ARES requirements for the MARC members but available to all. 

Digital is improving and with the low sunspot numbers it is the best way to work the world. I expect that digital will start moving into the HF bands in voice mode just like SSB replaced AM. We just need a radio that has it built in – look at DMR and Fusion on the high bands. I will be looking for contacts with the HF software that is available. I will discuss tat in the Digital pages. Note that there is interest in JS8 for emergency work. Florida Amateurs are looking into that. I have worked it some and will continue on the HF but have no success on VHF and UHF yet. Contact me is you want to experiment.

Antennas are the word. I love antennas and reading about them and then working on new ones. See my new section on antennas. What I have and a number of available PDF downloads. Some are early military but still valuable in the day.  I will be working on that page with details as time permits. More important to build that talk about but I can spare the time. My best effort has been a full wave horizontal 80 meter loop for the local nets. No longer am I the hard to hear station on the band. True it is NVIS but that is all needed for the local nets.

My Working Links – A page that has all of my pages to work the air!

Working hard on getting DX contacts even in these poor conditions. Always looking for that backboard in the sky ! (basketball reference!) See my awards page

       I am writing in my retirement. I don’t recommend it as a way of making money. So far I will never catch up but you can see what I have published and what I have in progress. Most are from my Internal Martial Art background but wait and you will be surprised since I am working on many other books. A cookbook is in the works and some Amateur Radio subjects. You can see more about what I have done on my dedicated page here  or go to my Amazon Page 

Tai Chi Chuan - Fundamentals


 Internal Arts Primer

 Eighteen and Eights

 Tai Chi Cane

 Inner Brocades
